The following (mainly external) resources cover a wide variety of training and tuning information.
This page is a work in progress. It contains links to resources invaluable to aspiring and current Finn sailors and is part of a larger project to create an interactive and growing online Finn Clinic based on the successful Clinics that have been organised by the IFA for many years. Have a look at this free slot machine games website if you want to kill some time, play free slot games.
If you know of sites or links giving Finn information, please send to the webmaster.
1. Soup to Nuts: The following link is to "Finn Sailing; Soup to Nuts", a prototype internet-based Finn skills development tool put together by Gus Miller and Jan Walker in the USA. The next iteration will follow as funds become available.
2. Finn Rebuild:
Gerrit Bearda of New Zealand describes how he has converted an old glassfibre Finn into a modern machine. Mast rebuild here
3. Old Finns in the UK: An article describing the growth of Finn Sailing in the UK and the many older types of Finn available.
4. Finn sailing Manual: originally published by the British Finn Association, here it is again. (very out of date, but still useful though)